Integrate sustainable choices into mining design and operations

At RJC Global Impact our highly skilled and sought-after consultants support the design and implementation of site-wide management systems and the implementation of processes and support tools to effectively manage your operational needs.  Our key focus includes strategic and tactical business planning, risk and opportunity management and site wide governance with emphasis on full integration within all functional areas.  Our team specializes in operational and support function management systems as well as the change management methodologies required for successful and sustainable implementation.

Optimizing Operations

Our Team is driven by a relentless focus with a high level of integrity to provide our clients with the implementation of effective strategies, processes and operating management systems.  Our commitment to excellence is at the core of everything we do to deliver extraordinary results.

  • Strategic and Business Planning

  • Project Management

  • Operations Management

  • Business Improvement & Optimization

  • Business Performance Management & Improvement

  • Risk Management

  • Tactical Planning Processes

  • Site-Wide Forecasting

  • Organizational Structure Design

  • Customized Systems Implementation


